What Kind Of A Minimalist Are You?

I put together a few sets of characteristics that could help you identify what kind of minimalist you are.
Extreme Minimalist
Extreme minimalism is the practice of consciously owning least possessions, having least distractions and a single-minded pursuit towards one passion. Some call it the monk mode.
Youheum, a YouTuber and an extreme minimalist who lives in a furniture-free home with a zero-waste lifestyle. She is a digital nomad and considers minimalism as a driver to her physical and mental wellness.
Famous Extreme Minimalist – Youheum
Ethical Minimalist
Ethical minimalism is being mindful of the ecosystem and human impact on the planet. Being mindful of the consumerism culture and finding freedom from the temptations of owning the things you don’t need.
Joshua and Ryan is the famous duo from the documentary on minimalism. This minimalist duo has been initiating a movement so that people own less and live more. And so that everybody could use things and love people. The opposite never works.
Famous Ethical Minimalists – Ryan Nicodemus & Joshua Fields Millburn
We often find ourselves constantly in motion but never getting anywhere. An essentialist follows the disciplined pursuit of less in every aspect of life. This term was pitched by the author Greg McKeown of the book by the name “Essentialism“.
An Essentialist defines the essential goals of his life and has better control of his time and energy. He knows the power of a graceful “No” and the invisible art of the editing distractions from his life. It is not only about owning less but also about improving focus and productivity. Overall a better use of time and energy.
Famous Essentialist – Greg McKeown
Cozy Minimalist
Cozy minimalism is about owning things that are enough for you while using the least items that you need. It is for those who do not like to count their stuff or be strict on their purchases. But they are the ones who are also not obsessed with owning stuff because others have it. Some may call it the moderate minimalist approach.
Sometimes this approach is intentional and sometimes it is an outcome of the family you live with. If you live with a family or a partner who is not a minimalist, you will often have to find a middle ground for owning a few things and not owning a few.
Also, many people go for the aesthetic minimalist look in their homes, though they are not a minimalist in other aspects of their life.
Famous Cozy Minimalist – Leonardo DiCaprio
I hope this article was useful. I identify with being an Essentialist type. Recently, I wrote about my learnings on this journey here. Please comment to share which type you identify yourself with.
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