5 YouTube Channels For Home Workouts


Gyms are closed during the Coronavirus alert lockdown. But there are tons of Home workouts that can be done from the comfort of your homes. Here are some of my favorite YouTube channels to get you going:

#1 HASFIT: Full-body Workouts

HASfit home workouts channel owners keep the channel free because they believe that every Heart And Soul deserves to be fit. The intention is not only to teach how to be fit but for users to be able to sustain it. They have over 1000 full length, free workout routines, and promote 30 – 90-day fitness programs for various fitness levels.

It was inspiring to see the HASFit couple continuing the workout videos even with Claudia being pregnant. Joshua Kozak and Claudia make a great coaching pair. They present each workout at two levels of intensity. With Kozak showing the pro version and Claudia, the milder version.

#2 FABLETICS: Quick Workouts

Co-founded by Kate Hudson, Fabletics is originally an innovative, high-quality athletic wear and affordable accessories line. The brand is focused on products for active women. The videos they generate feature quick home workouts by Master trainers, fitness and nutrition tips, and sneak peeks from Fabletics collection.

Kate Hudson said that her greatest goal for the year 2016 was to build and inspire the community of women. Since the company started, they’ve grown an all-inclusive brand following among active women.  The motto they try to follow is to—“Live Your Passion.”

#3 MADFIT: Flexibility Workouts

Madfit is a simple channel with good quality real-time and at home home workouts. Maddie Lymburner, is a vegan web star and has dedicated her life to spreading awareness, compassion, and providing people with the information necessary to start the plant-based/vegan and fit lifestyle.

A digital nomad, Maddie is a YouTube star with her heart in the right place. The stand out factor during her workouts is her emphasis on the right posture throughout the workout. And also the way she makes it accessible to beginners as well as pros.

#4 FRANK MEDRANO: Calisthenics

Frank Medrano is a legendary Calisthenics Bodyweight workout expert who motivates and trains to build and gain muscle or lose fat. He challenges the body to obtain strength through simple and more advanced bodyweight exercises. He believes no-equipment home workouts can make your body stronger and has emerged as the flag bearer of the No-equipment workout community.

His goal is to motivate and inspire people through fun, functional workouts. While some of his no-equipment workouts may look hard to touch, he does give a step by step approach to get there in his videos. His sense of humor coupled with great rugged camera shots make his videos appear top class and engaging to learn from.

#5 CUREFIT: HIIT Workouts

Cure.fit has built a fitness empire in India currently. It is eating up many gyms with its mixed functional workout approach. And this has become a platform to book workouts both online and offline. The experiences across fitness, nutrition, and mental wellbeing through its 4 products, i.e, cult.fit, eat.fit, mind.fit & care.fit have gained popularity among fitness enthusiasts across the country.

With the Quarantine lockdowns in effect, the Cult fit has come up with live home workouts with celebrity trainers. These High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) no-equipment workouts are free to all during quarantine, though membership-based otherwise. But they have previously uploaded several videos on their YouTube Channel as well that will win your heart.

Shwetambari Shetty is rated as the fifth fittest woman in the Crossfit Open 2016 in India. She is the face of this brand and appears in many of its videos.

If these channels resonated with you, don’t forget to send me a compliment by leaving a comment below.

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  1. Thyroid Workout And Diet Tips | Laws of Positive Lifestyle

    […] And the luxury with strength training is that you can do them anytime, anywhere with minimal or no equipment. Simple bodyweight exercises like lunges, planks, push-ups, crunches, burpee, and jumping jacks can […]

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