Why Did Minimalism Become So Popular?

Why Did Minimalism Become So Popular?

The success of the latest documentary on Minimalism – “Less is Now” is evidence of this all-new awareness of Minimalism among people. Why is minimalism so popular? What is in it for you? Here are some pointers to understand this.

#1 Economic effects of corona

“If your needs are little, you are rich enough.”

-Fakeer Ishavardas.

Corona pandemic and radical impacts of this situation on the global economy are a huge trigger for people to take a look at their finances. What are you spending on? What are you earning? Every penny is under a scanner. In absence of clarity on how long this condition continues, you will have to plan your expenses wisely. This pandemic is just an example of what life can be. Unpredictable and uncertain economic pressures may come anytime in your life. Minimalism helps you stay intentional about your money.

#2 Environmental awareness

Whether you understand global warming or not, you will agree that increasing waste is definitely not good for this planet. If this planet is the only one we have, we better treat it like home. Oil and fabric waste are the highest percentages of waste generators on this planet. Do you want to be a contributor to the growth of fast fashion and augment this fabric waste pile up? Why not start with reducing at least one item that you have on your Wishlist? Watch the planet breathe better.

#3 Aesthetic preference

Minimalist architecture or interior décor is an eye-pleasing aesthetic for many. In case you wondered why minimalism is so popular, architecture is the first place where this term was coined. There is scientific proof that decluttered shelves or simplified websites attract more people and make them feel welcome. This is certainly a timeless though simple style. A minimalist décor brings focus on the main centrepiece, rather than too many design elements. It is easier to maintain as well.

#4 Stress and chaos

“Busy is a drug that a lot of people are addicted to.”

– Rob Bell.

These are times of uncertainty. Uncertainty leads to stress. We are a generation with higher privileges’ and higher comforts than before, but there is higher dissatisfaction as well. The social media tells us to try many things. Travel is glorified. Trendy clothes and statement cars are glorified. We compare ourselves with people who have found a life partner, got married or had kids before us. But minimalism teaches us to focus on our own journey. Are you better than yesterday? Are you calmer? It brings back the focus on your goals and ambitions.

#5 Marketing and increased awareness

Some may argue that Minimalism is not a new concept at all. Several Vedas and epics of different cultures already emphasised simplicity in some way or the other. In Hindu mythology, the life pathway is supposed to pass through these days of childhood (to learn), adulthood (to work), family phase (to provide) and hermit phase (to self realise).

Even though you don’t have to become a saint or hermit to self realise, you can follow many practices that help you live for the greater good. Bring a thought of living beyond yourself. Thinking less of self needs and more of society and nature’s needs. These principles have come back and being sold to us in new forms through the marketing of books and documentaries. But it is better to fall for a marketing stunt that teaches ways to calm your life than to follow ones that ask you to just accumulate stuff you don’t need.

#6 Anticonsumerism

If you are sick of the in your face ads and over popular trends, you may end up hating it. Black Friday sales and festival discounts may enthral some people. But there are always the ones that get disgusted with such tactics. Letting the brands and advertisements that tell you what to buy is like letting them control your life. People who prefer to exercise control of their lives will see through the capitalist and consumerism oriented tactics around them. Such awareness can lead to attraction to Minimalism as well.

#7 Easy to adopt

Sometimes minimalism is the only choice. Not everyone who is a minimalist is rich and privileged. People are not always giving up stuff, sometimes they can’t afford stuff. The fun part of the minimalism concept is that you don’t have to belong to a certain class of people if you want to follow this. Minimalism is relevant to all strata of people. It is easy to get into. There is no need for money to start with minimalism. It needs no additional space in the house. There is no time or resource constraint in starting with this.

These aspects and many other underlying benefits answer why minimalism is so popular as an aesthetic and as a lifestyle to many. Please share your comments on why you feel attracted to adopt minimalism.

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