Why I write:
Every once in a while my thoughts just overflow and turn into words. When I am not talking about them I am writing them down. I have a theory on everything and they evolve every day. I am sharing with you some of those theories that I consider as the Laws of Positive Lifestyle. We do what we do to seek happiness and to increase the positives in our lives. Follow my blog if you want to get engaged with an optimist soul!

What have I got to say:
I grew up in Chennai, though my roots are in Darbhanga, Bihar. Currently, I live in Nuremberg, Germany with my husband who is my biggest fan and supporter. I have a bachelor’s degree in Engineering and an Executive MBA from IIM Kozhikode. Alongside managing Safety and Cybersecurity in automotive projects in my day job, I enjoy being a writer and a marathoner. My newborn son is my source of joy and motivation to better myself every day.
In my years of blogging, I have been pouring the lessons from my various lifestyle experiments. At work and outside, I am perceived as a serial skill collector. I have juggled many hats in marathon running, cycling long distances, swimming, dancing Indian classical, playing badminton, stitching, painting, carpentry and of course, writing. But on any given day, you will find me at least pursuing reading, writing and running as part of my routine outside work. The best part about being a minimalist has been that I have become quite good at prioritising. This allows me to see the glass half full in all my endeavours.
Fitness – First Full Marathon Full Marathon
Travel – Indian desert of Rajasthan Jaisalmer visit
Minimalism – Move to Germany Leaving The Nest
Stories – Winning Penancy Writing Contest with my debut book Need Over Want

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