20 Morning Routines To Start A Powerful Day

During the lockdowns, many of us have struggled with our morning routines to get up and get ready. We have nowhere to go, so why bother. Get up 20 minutes before work and just get to it. Right?
This lazy morning habit ends up making you anxious right in the morning. Thereafter, the day keeps getting more and more stressful. Balancing house chores, office work, family time and workout time becomes very difficult.
Here are my favorite morning routines to start a powerful day instead of a lazy anxious one.
Sweat Now, Shine Later
#1 Do some stretches: This is a simple beginner tip, in case you have trouble motivating yourself to workout or if you have fallen out of habit to workout. A 7 minute workout or just 2 minutes of full body stretches can go a long way.
#2 Meditate: There is a lot of chaos in the thoughts when a day starts. Knowing what to do and what our priorities are, is tricky. Meditating is a great way to calm our minds before making those many little decisions.
#3 Run or workout: Find an excuse to get out and get some sun. The body and mind need fresh air and sunlight(before 10 am) to feel energized. Whether you run or cycle or play football, one outdoor workout could be a big game-changer for your morning mood.
#4 Do some Yoga: For centuries, Indians have followed yoga every morning. It is a great workout for flexibility, balance, and controlled breathing. Many diseases can be prevented with the regular practice of certain asanas like a sun salutation.
Eat Good Feel Good
#5 Make a healthy breakfast: How many days have gone by when you have left home in a hurry barely taking a shower and skipping breakfast? Factor sometime to make yourself a simple and healthy breakfast that contains at least one fruit, a healthy drink, an egg, and some carbs like bread, poha, oats, etc.
#6 Drink water: First thing in the morning, get yourself a glass of water, preferably hot. Taking coffee on empty stomach is torture for your guts.
#7 Make yourself a coffee: People make a villain out of tea and coffee. Coffee that contains the infamous caffeine as stimulant is especially made out to be harmful. But use it in moderation and not after 2pm in the day, and it can be a great booster to your mornings.
#8 Take supplements: I learnt it the hard way. I learnt that it is important to get yourself checked at the doctor every 3 to 6 months. Prevent the deficiencies and potential diseases by taking supplements in advance.
Organize To Simplify
#9 Write a to do list: This is a no brainer. If you have not been doing this yet, where have you been? Note down your to-dos on a paper, post-it or mobile note. Then prioritize the top 3 that absolutely needs to get done. If you already a pro at this, take it to next step and schedule it in your calendar.
#10 Do a house chore: Bill Gates washes his own dishes. Doing house chores is not only a way to bond with family but also humbles you. It connects you to your house and is a way to give gratitude to the lovely home that protects you. Make it fun by listening to music or doing it with family.
#11 Make your bed and tidy up: This is so important that there is even a book in this name. Making your bed in morning gives your brain a small happiness dose. And also sets you up for tidying up or staying active rest of the day.
#12 Shower and get ready whether going out or not: Pajamas have become the favorite thing to wear for most of us, during Corona times. It’s funny to see some colleagues turn up in messy hair and home clothes for video clothes some times. Do yourself a favor, and wash up in mornings to feel fresh and ready for the day ahead.
Practice Your Imagination
#13 Do something creative: If there is one thing that keeps me going, it is that I ensure one fitness activity and one creative activity in my life. Even on my worst days I can always fallback on those hobbies to relax. Don’t feel afraid to try painting, dancing, video making, writing, or cooking.
#14 Read a book: Read or listen to a good book in the morning to learn or entertain yourself. If nothing, it is an easy to do exercise for your brain.
#15 Write: Write your thoughts in a journal, blog your experience or just pick up a book and jot a flash fiction. There is a great sense of clarity that writing brings to your emotions. If nothing, use a post it to write down your to-dos.
#16 Listen to your favorite music: Music can influence moods and emotions immediately. Go for your favorites in the morning to set your mood up for the day.
Put Faith Over Fear
#17 Practice saying affirmations: Choose an affirmation and say it out aloud as a first step in the morning. It is the most effective when you say it out. Put up a smile and believe in it. Example – “It is going to be a great day today.”
#18 Pride List: Write down 3 things you are proud of. This is especially important when you are going through a rut. David Goggins calls it the “Cookie Jar“. He suggests writing your accomplishments each in a chit and put them in a cookie jar. Read it sometime later when you feel low.
#19 Greet your neighbor: Send a simple good morning or good day message to a loved one. Make sure you smile when you enter the office and greet everyone you see. Smile is infectious. It is instantly uplifting. And yes, avoid news or social media in morning if you don’t want toxicity to cloud you.
#20 Morning quote: Teachers call it “thought for the day”. Some seek it through daily motivation or inspiration apps. But motivation is sustainable only when it is intrinsic(coming from inside). Highlight a good line from your morning read and hunt for a quote that resonates with you for that day.
What do I do?
Here is my morning routine for those who are curious.
- I start with writing my journal alongside a cup of coffee. Journaling usually ends up motivating me to blog a little as well.
- Then I go for a run or do some cycling. Movement is important so that I don’t drift back to my mattress.
- I follow it up by doing a house chore. It can be cleaning, washing, meal prepping, etc.
Only after these are done, I make my breakfast and get ready for work. Though I am working from home, I want to stick to doing these routines not just because I am used to it but because winning the morning means winning the day. Leading the day with a clear head means going into it with high energy.
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