Motherhood Diary: The Final Trimester


We found out we were pregnant in November 2023 when travelling to India from our new home in Germany. Our families couldn’t be happier about my motherhood. Here is a diary entry from my pregnancy’s third and final trimester.

Month: June 2024


  1. How was the overall experience of motherhood so far?
    • Significant changes came into our lives during these months like
      • April: shifted homes from Bietigheim to Nuremberg, driving exam video preparation, driving exam failed twice, settled in, travelled to Bamberg, joined a detailed online writing workshop, concluded German B2 course.
      • May: packed for Chennai, changed driving trainer, watched a lot of sports, shifted gym, got aspice certified, passed driving exam, landed in Chennai
      • June: hospital hunt for baby delivery, preparatory courses for birth and lactation, last few scans, stitched or altered clothes for the changing body, swimming and labour workouts, maternity photoshoot, aadhaar and other document preparations
  2. What brought me joy?
    • Meeting my family in Chennai and regular swims.
  3. What challenges did I face, and how did I handle them?
    • Physically I faced mild challenges like shortness of breath in April, sleep disruptions in May, feet swelling in June mainly because of the flight and weather changes. The weather change was not a mental issue for me because I knew what to expect in Chennai. My body knew it too. What I found difficult was the boredom that came with the beginning of maternity break from work.


  1. Skill needed:
    • I worked out regularly to enable a normal delivery. Passing the driving exam in the fifth attempt was a major breakthrough. I have to thank the trainer in Nuremberg for this.
  2. Funniest or sweetest moment:
    • Passing the driving exam was the absolute highlight of these months. Took a huge load off my shoulders.
  3. Moods:
    • 😖Cranky with the frustration of passing the driving exam and 😴 Sleepy from the disrupted nights and shortness of breath.
  4. Favourites:
    • Swimming on hot days in Chennai.
    • feeling the kicks from the little one more prominently throughout these months.

Mom’s Well-Being

  1. How am I feeling emotionally?
    • Ready and excited for the D-day.
  2. How am I feeling physically?
    • I felt my strongest in the third semester except the last week before delivery where I was stressing over the labour pain to be induced organically.
  3. Did I do something for myself? If yes, what?
    • A break from work allowed me to fully focus on my rest and my preparation for birth.


  1. One thing I’m grateful for in motherhood:
    • Having the support of my family to host me during this phase.
  2. One thing I’m proud of:
    • My determination to work out until the last day towards a healthy birth. Being unafraid of the upcoming birth.

Looking Ahead

  1. What do I want to focus on?
    • A smooth birth and postpartum fitness. Preparing mentally as much as physically.
  2. Any reminders or notes for yourself?
    • Stay calm and fearless as you always are.

More on my journey into motherhood will follow in the next blogs. I will write the next one about the day of birth of course. To read the beginning of this journey click here. Do share your experiences in the comment below.

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