Motherhood Diary: The Good News


We found out we were pregnant in October 2023 when travelling to India from our new home in Germany. Our families couldn’t be happier. Here is a diary entry from the first month of motherhood.

Month: October 2023


  1. How was it to know that I was going to be a mom?
    • It was elating. It felt like I finally turned a page in my life. I was starting to get bored with the life I had. The feeling never left me, that I had accomplished the things I wanted to accomplish by this age and more. I yearned for the experience of being a mother. To have my own family.
  2. What brought me joy?
    • We did not have to struggle to get pregnant. I used a simple app called WomanLog to track when I was ovulating. A couple of months into using it and boom, it worked. Both Shreyas and I felt ready to be parents. Everything felt right.
  3. What challenges did I face, and how did I handle them?
    • In this first month, I felt an energy slump and a bit of nausea. The weather change while returning to Germany led to high fever. That made me quite dehydrated and drained for a few days.


  1. Skill needed:
    • I thought I needed patience but the joy of being pregnant took me through the fever and the dehydrated phase. I can say the high helped me pretty much sail through it.
  2. Funniest or sweetest moment:
    • Celebrating Diwali with family right after getting the good news.
  3. Moods:
    • 😊 Happy with the news and 😴 Sleepy from the disrupted nights owing to the hormones.
  4. Favourites:
    • Shreyas was concerned for me and immensely helpful.

Mom’s Well-Being

  1. How am I feeling emotionally?
    • Excited.
  2. How am I feeling physically?
    • Slightly weaker than usual.
  3. Did I do something for myself?
    • If yes, what? Drank more water. Made workouts mild.


  1. One thing I’m grateful for in motherhood:
    • Having Shreyas as husband and father of my child.
  2. One thing I’m proud of:
    • Being fit enough to be a mom post-thirty without problems.

Looking Ahead

  1. What do I want to focus on?
    • My health and baby’s wellness. Keep the baby safe and alive. Ensure that the three of us have a healthy lifestyle first and foremost.
  2. Any reminders or notes for self?
    • Start noting symptoms regularly. Be aware of mood swings. Go easy on Shreyas and people at work.

More on my journey into motherhood will follow in the next blogs. Do share your experiences in the comment below.

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