On Women’s Day, I talked about Fitness tips for busy women at an event in the Apartment society where we stay. Here are the tips I shared including aspects for five different areas of fitness.
At home Being a minimalist in Germany differs greatly from being one in India. The biggest revelation I had was that it is much easier to be a minimalist out there in Germany. In India, for example,
Montecarlo’s luxurious port The buzzing Marche We started our journey in the French Riviera with Monte Carlo last summer. There is a guard change at 11.55 at La Rocher, oldtown Monaco Ville
We found out we were pregnant in November 2023 when travelling to India from our new home in Germany. Our families couldn’t be happier. Here is a diary entry from the second month of motherhood.
Society teaches us many ways to find a job or make money. But not much is taught about spending it. Most of the time we follow the standard template of getting a job, getting married, buying a house,
In July 2023, I visited Amsterdam on a solo trip. Yes, I still go solo sometimes though I am married. That is the advantage of having an open-minded husband. Indian but liberal. Not so uncommon these
While packing for any trip, a few questions pop into the heads of many of us. Questions that encourage us to add just one last thing. What if I need this? What if I decide to go for a swim? What if I
She flinched as a large leaf hit the windscreen. The automatic viper moved it away. It was not a heavy rain, not the rain where you would need an umbrella. If you are wearing a jacket with a hoodie,
Last August, I participated in the Ermstal Half Marathon in Metzingen, Germany. I found it brutal and yet I want to participate in it again. Here is why. At the registration Even though it was
I am often asked, In what ways do you practise minimalism in your life? In several years of my minimalism practice, there are many granular habits I picked up to keep my focus on what is important.
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