Many people complain about living paycheck to paycheck. The complaints about losing all money by end of each month are commonplace. But the truth is that it does not have to be that way. If only we
I registered with Problogger for a course on 31 days to a better blog. Here are my learnings. I can not share everything from that paid course here. But I wish to outline a few highlights of what I
This blog is going to be a rant. Not because I think I am too perfect to make mistakes. But because I think these 5 mistakes should really be common sense when it comes to things to avoid in
I am a minimalist in the making. I say “in making” because I have not managed to get to my targets in one quick move. Playing the minimalism game this December has really accelerated my
Ever been to a vacation with low expectations and came back with the time of your life? That was Kumta beach trek for me. Kumta is a lesser-known fishing town close to Gokarna along the southwestern
“Feminist” has become a bad word because of some aggressive people who pushed too hard to get attention. But for the advocates of equality and human rights, it is still a clear and
You would have used the Mushroom blend in a tea or a milk shake or even a latte, but today we ll talk about using it in a curry meal. This way it can become a part of your filling
So I just completed my 100 days of running Challenge. Though the least distance we had decided upon was 5km, my co-challengers and I really ended averaging 6km overall by the end of the challenge. It
What is PCOS? Of all the hormonal diseases that women suffer with, PCOS is one of the most common. PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a condition where the endocrine system has a disorder
Challenge Accepted. This is so exciting! It’s Day 21. Every Self-help Guru or Fitness Coach will tell you that for any new set of actions to become a habit it requires at least 21 days of
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