On Women’s Day, I talked about Fitness tips for busy women at an event in the Apartment society where we stay. Here are the tips I shared including aspects for five different areas of fitness.
Society teaches us many ways to find a job or make money. But not much is taught about spending it. Most of the time we follow the standard template of getting a job, getting married, buying a house,
Last August, I participated in the Ermstal Half Marathon in Metzingen, Germany. I found it brutal and yet I want to participate in it again. Here is why. At the registration Even though it was
I am often asked, In what ways do you practise minimalism in your life? In several years of my minimalism practice, there are many granular habits I picked up to keep my focus on what is important.
Staying active is a lot easier when your whole family is on board. If you’re looking for ways to fit more exercise into your life, get your kids involved! Look for exercise ideas and classes that
With all the seeming madness in the world, it is more important than ever to maintain a sense of balance. This is especially true if you live in a large city and work a demanding high-pressure job.
Your health could be your biggest asset or greatest liability. When you don’t make time for your wellness, as the saying goes, you’ll be forced to make time for your illness. If you look after
During the lockdowns, many of us have struggled with our morning routines to get up and get ready. We have nowhere to go, so why bother. Get up 20 minutes before work and just get to it. Right? This
So I just completed my 100 days of running Challenge. Though the least distance we had decided upon was 5km, my co-challengers and I really ended averaging 6km overall by the end of the challenge. It
What is PCOS? Of all the hormonal diseases that women suffer with, PCOS is one of the most common. PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a condition where the endocrine system has a disorder
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