On Women’s Day, I talked about Fitness tips for busy women at an event in the Apartment society where we stay. Here are the tips I shared including aspects for five different areas of fitness.
Pihu walked with a school pad on her head. Storm and wind were pushing her against her will towards the edge of the road. She kept trying hard to stay in the middle. Her knee-length skirt kissed the
At home Being a minimalist in Germany differs greatly from being one in India. The biggest revelation I had was that it is much easier to be a minimalist out there in Germany. In India, for example,
Our boat was sinking in the middle of the bay. We were almost entirely underwater. Sitting on top of the benches in the boat was not going to save us. And yet, we were extending our time towards
Grip while cycling Have you ever noticed what happens to your body when you cycle downhill? There is a natural tension throughout. The muscles of your legs tighten. Your back stiffens. Your neck is
In July 2023, I visited Amsterdam on a solo trip. Yes, I still go solo sometimes though I am married. That is the advantage of having an open-minded husband. Indian but liberal. Not so uncommon these
Saeid: Hey, so finally on whatsapp. Nisha: Yep. glad to be free from Tinder and talk to you here. Saeid: May I ask where you work Nisha: Come on, this is not matrimony Saeid: Haha, of course not.
A woman came to a village with dreams of raising awareness on the right to education. As a teacher, she noticed that the children at the school do not attend it often. She spoke to the Head of the
Last August, I participated in the Ermstal Half Marathon in Metzingen, Germany. I found it brutal and yet I want to participate in it again. Here is why. At the registration Even though it was
I am often asked, In what ways do you practise minimalism in your life? In several years of my minimalism practice, there are many granular habits I picked up to keep my focus on what is important.
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