4 Daily Fitness Challenges To Try

Here is a list of Fitness challenges that gets straight to the point. Try each of them for at least a week. And do not hesitate to increase repetitions if you find them easier for your stamina. Better not decrease the repetitions as there will be no challenge left.

For Abs:

3 sets of: 15 burpees + 15 crunches

fitness challenge


For Cardio:

3 sets of: 60 skip rope jumps + 60-second planks

skip ropeplank

For Core:

3 sets of: 15 squats + 15 pushups

squatpush up

For Flexibility:

3 sets of: 12 Suryanamaskar(yoga sun salutation) + 60 second Dhanurasana(bow pose)

sun salutationdhanurasana-yoga-pose

There is no lecture here. Direct information. These fitness challenges are tried and tested. My favorite is the plankathon one. I love skipping ropes in between planks. I am pretty much addicted to it. For a more elaborate workout plan, go to this 12-week guide. Share your experience with each of these challenges.


5 thoughts on “4 Daily Fitness Challenges To Try

  1. 88pawankumarjha

    Reblogged this on Boylazy Blogs.

  2. 88pawankumarjha

    Trying to make some time to work out. Nice blog:-)

  3. allezgirl

    Thanks for these challenges! They’re perfect when you feel like switching up a routine… I think I’ll try the jump rope one 🙂 http://www.allezgirl.com

    1. ShiningPoornima

      Sounds simple but depending on repetitions it can burn a lot of calories for you.

  4. Running Challenge - 100 Days Accomplished | Laws of Positive Lifestyle

    […] with, supporting other runners, doing interval training, doing longer runs only on weekends, doing CrossFit trainings once in a while, trying workouts like 5 min planks/handstands, carrying music along, running at […]

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