5 Most Powerful Productivity Gurus That I Recommend

To balance my multiple interests, I have developed tonnes of time management strategies. But every strategy fails once in a while. Or at least becomes obsolete. Sometimes I need a new strategy just to up my game. For that and more, I follow the best of productivity gurus through books, websites, and social media. Here are 5 of my favorite thought leaders in productivity:
#1 Life Coach Robin Sharma
Robin Sharma is someone that hates being called a “Guru”. He is rather a life coach, a productivity specialist, and someone who can sell a Ferrari to be a monk. If you have not heard of him, you should go read one of his books. “A leader without a title” is one of my favorite books of his. Recently I am hung up on his “5 AM club”. The best part of his books and webinars is that he gives very practical and actionable steps to get to your dreams and goals.
#2 Skill Master Tim Ferriss
Self-proclaimed guinea pig and the author of 4-Hour Workweek, Tim Ferriss has to be on this list. His style is unique, efficient and some may call aggressive. He focuses on faster results, just in time studying, researched shortcuts to achieving the unthinkable. He has mastered Martial Arts, Tango, Cooking, Gymming, Meditation, Writing, and Speed-reading techniques among other skills. His hunger for picking up any skill and teaching himself in record time is just, infectious.
#3 5-Second Queen Mel Robbins
If you haven’t heard of the 5-second rule, where have you been? Mel Robbins wrote a bestselling book on this method. She also created a 24-million views Ted Talk video on the same topic. She is an ex-criminal lawyer turned life coach. Her biggest pursuit of being productive starts with being honest with yourself. Stop saying “I am fine”. Fine is the most abused word by people. Face the reality and then pursue the results. The 5-second rule helps you initiate many of those actions that you hesitate to do.
#4 Habit Specialist James Clear
Let me introduce to you, the author of Atomic Habits, James Clear. Very few people know that he cracked this global bestselling book through atomic habit-building too. He kept writing 2 blogs a week for 3 years straight, almost religiously. This content in turn gave him sufficient themes for his book on habit building, Atomic Habits. Tiny habit or Micro-chunking is not a new concept. But the steps given in this book, make it “clear” how you achieve consistency with any activity and turn it to a habit.
#5 Minimalist Filmmaker Matt D’Avela
Being a minimalist myself, I cannot skip this man from the list. The director of the original documentary on Minimalism, Matt D’avela. A young and dedicated filmmaker who went on to create a Youtube Channel on minimalism and productivity best practices. As many of his suggestions also incorporate anti-consumerist philosophy, the tips he offers truly resonate with me. You don’t need fancy gadgets, equipment, or appliances at home to become productive. There are several simpler approaches that are easy to take up as well.
I know I said 5 best gurus, but here is a bonus guru you will love to know about.
#6 Curious Craig Benzine
Funnyman Craig Benzine runs the popular youtube channel called Wheezywaiter. He does a lot of content on “Why people like…” theme. It could be exercise, veganism, etc. The videos are well researched and informative while being funny as well. His attempts to be productive and build new habits every month are very practical as well. In his own words, his youtube channel is pointless but to me, there has never been a better or more funny point made on building habits.
Hope you found some new names on this list. Who are some of your favorite gurus? Let me know in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe.
Sukhdeep Singh Aasht
Very nice writeup.
Will love to follow some of them.
Sukhdeep Singh Aasht
Book “5 am club” by ROBIN SHARMA is life changing experience for me. I bought that book in January 2019 from International Book Fair, Pragati Maidan and it was worth it.