Running Basics: How To Run Injury-Free

Here, I am starting a series on running basics which many of you have been requesting. The question I will try to answer is how to run injury-free.
Step 1: Warm-Up
This is just common sense. But as they say, common sense is not that common. Preparing your body with dynamic warm ups is the key to injury-free running. Start with the head and go down till the toe. Exercise and loosen your muscles with dynamic movements. An unprepared body has stiff muscles which tend to sprain more easily.
Step 2: Fix Posture
It is important to lean from the toe and not the back. Let your center of gravity be a little ahead of your feet. At all times, make sure you do not bend your neck or back too far forward. Land softly on your toes and then put the heel down, keeping your knees slightly bent at each step. Keep the arms 90 degrees to the body and your chest open. Do not look at bigger strides in the beginning. Aim at a higher cadence (number of steps) in a given time.

Step 3: Rhythmic Breathing
Keep your breathing comfortable enough for your pace. If you are panting at any point, you need to slow down. Slow down but do not stop. Walk or run but do not stop. Stopping will break your momentum and cool your body down. The breathing needs to be in sync with your footsteps. 2 breaths in and 2 breaths out, is a typically comfortable rhythm. Only sprinters take a big single breath in and single breath out. If you are able to talk or hum while running, you are at a comfortable breath and pace.
Step 4: Calm Down
One aspect of jogging or running that makes people drop out often is missing the calm down workouts. If the heart rate is not brought down after a run, you will go home and probably continue feeling fatigued. It is important to perform some static stretches at the end of a run. The order should be toe to head. Stretch your legs first, then work your way up. Meditate in the end, if possible. It will help you leave the workout with a fresh and relaxing feeling.

There are of course, many other aspects to stay injury-free, including hydration, right sleep, right gear, and so on. But the above 4 steps are absolutely fundamental things to take care of.
I hope these tips resonated with you and motivated you to try out some running. Share your experiences of your runs by commenting below.
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