5 Common Mistakes We Make In Lifestyle Design

This blog is going to be a rant. Not because I think I am too perfect to make mistakes. But because I think these 5 mistakes should really be common sense when it comes to things to avoid in lifestyle design. Instead, they are the common mistakes people make while designing their lifestyle. These day to day passive mistakes are actively degrading our physical, mental and financial health. Let’s dive right into the list.

#1 Frequency of Workout:

A typical mistake that many people make with workouts is the frequency. Many work out for barely 1 or 2 days a week and resort to unhealthy habits for the rest of the week. It is important to remember that activity does not end outside the gym or field. If it is impossible to make it to the gym/pool/sports activity/classes for more than 2 days a week, there are many ways of incorporating workouts into the lifestyle in other ways. Like home workouts, walking or cycling to work, taking stairs and so on. To find your ideal frequency, read here.

We need to stop treating working out as a special occasion and 
lethargy as daily routine
. It needs to be the other way round.
frequency of workouts

#2 Lack of Homecooking:

Another common mistake in lifestyle design is the lack of having food that is home-cooked. Everyday diet cannot be the same. The quantity cannot be the same. Depending on your daily activity and fitness goals, your food plan is to be adapted. No restaurant or food delivery app can do that for you. In my opinion, every individual should learn personal financing and learn house chores. Cooking is the most important house chore to learn. It is not rocket science but it is a creative skill. Home cooking can not only help avoid unhealthy ingredients in food but also save you lots of money. Click here to read about workarounds for usual excuses not to cook.

Optimize the way you cook, so that you can sustain the cooking habit more regularly. Start with batch cooking and slowly explore other techniques.

#3 Social Media Overdose:

How many relationships are weakened due to TV, computer or mobile addiction? Any idea? I would say most. Either the guy or the girl or both are addicted to any of these entertainment and socializing media. It is common knowledge that people have stopped living in the present. They will ignore the person sitting in front of them and rather socialize with someone online.

Ban mobile phones on dining table and bedrooms. Ban them in meetings.
Minimizing distractions is the first step to well being.

#4 Falling for Consumerism:

Do you really need that extra table lamp? How many of us really think of the need for a commodity before buying it. The impacts of consumerism of self-worth, mental health, relationships, and the earth are immensely toxic. Ask yourself these questions before adding another object or another distraction into your self. Think of the real cost of adding another item into your life. Will that car really get utilized enough? Will that trendy cheap dress really add to your social image? Will that dinner taste different without another set of fine cutlery?

The things that you own, end up owning you. It's only after you lose everything that you're free to do anything. - Tyler durden, Fight Club.

#5 Lack of recovery:

Living life like a rat race is so common too. FOMO – Fear of missing out drives most of us. The next time you browse through your Facebook feed, notice how your mood and feelings are impacted. How you feel inadequate or anxious looking at the projected better lives and better experiences of others. This anxiety leads us to sleep less, chase money, buy more, slog at the office more, eat out more, be less tolerant of the world overall.

Don't confuse activity with productivity. Too many people are simply busy being busy. - Robin Sharma.

All we have to do is be aware. Be aware of these common mistakes. It is not possible to fix every toxic lifestyle design habit immediately. But we have to start the journey. One step at a time. One day at a time.

If you think of me next time to say no to buying something useless and if you think of these words as something that is adding value to your life, let me know through your comments below.

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  1. From Fear Of Missing Out to Joy Of Missing Out | Laws of Positive Lifestyle

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