How to decide on Workout Frequency?

It’s always a huge decision to start working out with discipline and take the responsibility of your health into your hands. But if you are one of the people who has already taken the plunge you should know that the next big decision is to come up with the workout frequency as well.

Though theoretically, it is good to workout half an hour every day, practically it can really take a toll on your body. And to be honest, nobody needs to keep up a 7-day workout routine anyway. Where is the time of recovery in this plan?

So, the question is how many workouts and how often? What suits you and what not? The answer….there is no standard answer to it. But there can be few guidelines(to be adapted as per your body and health).

How often:

Workout 3 to 5 days a week. Even if you are addicted to it, do not cross 5 days. It leaves your body no breathing time. It’s better to keep it alternate days but does not leave a gap of more than a week between workouts at any cost. You don’t want to lose the habit which you worked so hard to get into.

How much:

Duration can be half an hour to 2 hours, given that you are also going to the office or any other profession for the rest of the day. Just because your job does not require much physical effort don’t you kill yourself at the gym. They say that 2 hours of mental effort leaves you more exhausted than 2 hours of running.

workout frequency


Depending on whether you are a morning person or not you can choose to workout in any part of the day, given you had not just eaten a heavy meal. I personally love working out in mornings but lately my job timings push me to evenings. So be it. Its better than no workout any day.


Mix it up! You may be a runner, a swimmer or a kick-boxer. Whatever may be your preferred form of workout. It will not remain your favorite if you overdo it and not add variety. It’s rather advisable to mix it up with other forms of workout also called “cross-training” and then go back to your favorites again.

Hope this blog helped you to better your workouts. Leave your comments below.


3 thoughts on “How to decide on Workout Frequency?

  1. Mzee

    Great post.

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