Habit Series: How To Write Your First Book


Minimalism has improved many aspects of my life. Each day I am living with focused intention. In the wake of Corona lockdown, I was able to sharpen my saw even more. In particular, I will share the highlights from my experience of writing my first book. Hope it helps you write your first book.

I have been focussing on a lot of penning down my experience with Minimalism, last November. The first output is ready in the form of an Ebook “Steps to live a minimalist lifestyle” and available for everyone to read on kindle at this link:

I bring this as part of my habit series because I took up daily writing during November. I did not know what the output will be until it was there for me to see.

Here are some of my learnings to help you write your first book:

  1. Come up with an outline. It can be a listicle or phase-wise or chapter-wise outline.
  2. Research each key point of your outline. Research deeper than the surface level approach. Headlines or articles will not give you the full picture. Reading the complete story. Watch a documentary and not just a 5-minute Youtube video.
  3. Read books every day. Not only the ones aligned to your topic but books from different genres as well. It widens the perspective and exposes you to different styles of writing.
  4. Read like a writer. I have been a regular reader. But reading with the eyes of a writer has been totally different experience. I started observing how the author begins the narrative, develops characters, or (in the case of non-fiction)develops an idea, introduces interesting tips or plot twists, ends the narrative in a memorable way.
  5. Create two parts of the first ebook you write. I free version which I have made available to all my subscribers on my home page. A second full version of my ebook which comes at a nominal price is published on amazon kindle.

Please encourage me on my journey in writing. And don’t forget to leave a comment about what you liked most.

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