Home Workouts To Try During Social Distancing

On the occasion of World Health Day (April 7th every year), let us talk about ways to be active at home. Everybody is going nuts with the lockdown in effect. So, what can we do at home during these Corona-Virus-Quarantine days? Here is an effective set of home workouts that could energize your body and mind.
Strength training Workout Sequence
Time needed: 45 minutes
1. Warm Up 1
Burpees 10 counts x 3 reps. It is a no-brainer that burpees are a popular holistic dynamic warm-up workout.
2. Warm Up 2
Power Jacks 10 counts x 3 reps. You might have tried jumping jacks. Go down before powering through to the jump, to make it more effective.
3. Warm Up 3
Mountain Climbers 10 counts x 3 reps. This one works on both the legs and the core. As a marathoner, I swear by this workout!
4. Strengthening Workout 1
Jump Squats 15 counts x 2 reps. Squats are really effective for shaping the glutes. Especially useful when we are stuck at home, sitting continuously.
5. Strengthening Workout 2
Push up rotation 15 counts x 2 reps. Ease it down by putting your knee on the floor, if needed.
6. Strengthening Workout 3
Jump Lunges 15 counts x 2 reps. Another great workout for the glutes and the legs.
7. Strengthening Workout 4
Bicycle crunches 15 counts x 2 reps. Grind those abs with some bicycle crunches. Slow it down to feel the burn in the abs.
8. Strengthening Workout 5
High Knees 15 counts x 2 reps. Damn, I miss my runs. So, I like to go all the way fast when doing these high knee runs on the spot.
9. Calm Down Stretch 1
Forward-Backward Bends 10 counts x 1 rep. Time for some flexibility. You can alternately do some Suryanamaskars for better results.
10. Calm Down Stretch 2
Cat-Cow Stretch 10 counts x 1 rep. This is a popular core stretch. Just remember the strain from the bicycle crunches here and stretch it out.
11. Calm down stretch 3
Hand and Shoulder stretch 10 counts x 1 rep. Go easy and slow with this one.
12. Meditation
2 minutes of meditation. I like to vary between fast and slow breathing techniques during meditation. But you can do what feels right for you. The goal is to slow down our heart rates and calm our minds at the end of the workout.
If you enjoyed trying these home workouts, don’t forget to send me a compliment by leaving a comment below.
I am a hardcore follower of the Hasfit tribe. And I would highly recommend you follow them on youtube too.
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