The All-Round Health Guide

Your health could be your biggest asset or greatest liability. When you don’t make time for your wellness, as the saying goes, you’ll be forced to make time for your illness. If you look after yourself, on the other hand, you’re going to have more energy, get more done, and be able to live life to the fullest. In this brief resource guide, Laws of Positive Lifestyle offers suggestions on achieving and maintaining all-round health.

An Agile Body

According to Eat This, Not That, moderate-to-vigorous intensity exercises are best for fitness. You can pick any activity you like, and practice it regularly. You can also mix things up to keep your routine interesting. No matter what, get in some heart pumping exercise most days per week for the greatest benefits.

  • Running has shown to increase longevity and improve most areas of health, including sleep, cholesterol, and even knee pain (contrary to popular belief).
  • Swimming is supremely effective. It’s wonderful for your heart and gives you a toned body.
  • Biking brings a child-like element of fun – perfect if you love freedom and moving around.
  • Yoga keeps you nimble and limber. More importantly, you can do it at home!

A Clear Mind

Your mental health affects your physical health – and vice versa. You need to look after your mind just like you do your body. We endure a lot of stress on a daily basis, and often carry trauma from our past to present. Learning to manage these stresses can make a big difference in your overall well-being and ability to succeed in your personal and professional goals.

  • Be kind to yourself. Learn to have an optimistic attitude and a positive mindset.
  • Laws of Positive Lifestyle encourages starting each day with a positive mantra and doing something that stimulates your imagination, like drawing, journaling, or listening to music.
  • Learn to be mindful, observe your thoughts without judgment, and live in the present moment.
  • Find, talk to, and be with good, kind, and supportive people.

A Sustainable Diet

The old saying is true: you are what you eat. If you want your mind and body to function at their best, you have to focus on putting healthy foods into your system. There are many choices for different health goals, so learn what is best for your body and dive in!

  • If your goal is simply overall wellness, Everyday Health recommends balancing on five essentials: carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins/minerals, and water. Understand the function of each for better results.
  • If your goal is to build muscle, you’ll emphasize protein and carbohydrates, and be more open to fats in moderation. You will also likely find yourself eating more frequently.
  • If your goal is to lose weight, experts suggest what nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to focus on, which provides a wider range of options. This is especially helpful if you are trying to eat more plant-based foods, or avoid red meat.
  • If you don’t think you can get all of the nutrients you need through your diet, look into supplements. Always look for FDA certified options, and research before you purchase.

A Focus On Self

It’s important that you don’t turn self-care into a fad for yourself. You need to commit to these practices for the long haul, and really prioritize them. Because by prioritizing these practices, you are really prioritizing yourself – and you are worth the effort.

  • Committing to a long-term goal can be daunting, but it’s really about small changes that add up to big benefits for you. Find ways to prioritize tasks and create a routine, and you are well on your way to positive self-care.
  • Think deeply about your job. If it is causing you unnecessary stress, consider changing jobs or career paths.
  • Take some simple steps to make your home environment more relaxing, too. Simply decluttering has shown to reduce stress and anxiety tremendously.
  • Adding a little paint in a calming or happy color can also help. And bring in as much natural light as possible – perhaps with a few plants to reap the benefits of nature.

Looking after yourself can be hard, and you may be tempted to quit. But once you feel the changes to your mind and body, you won’t want to go back. A calm mind and spirit can do wonders for your self esteem and overall well-being, and a healthy body just makes you feel charged up each day. There will be times that you want to opt out or take days off, but remind yourself of these benefits. And if you do fall out of practice, you can always rebuild your routines and get back on track in no time.

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