5 Road Trip Games To Play During Quarantine


If you are looking for ways to have fun at home, and at the same time get a bit nostalgic about the road trip games you played. Here are 5 Road Trip Games that you might love to play at home during quarantine:

#1 I Spy

About: Guess the object that the other player is spying on.


  • Decide on which player will be the spy. He gets to decide which object he is spying on.
  • He picks something and without revealing what it is, announces – I spy with my little eye something “red”. Red is an example of the color of the object here.
  • The other players will now have to guess what this object is.

#2 Guess What I Am Thinking

About: Guess what the lead player is thinking in 20 questions.


  • Choose a lead player who thinks of a person (usually famous personality).
  • The other players can ask a total of 20 questions together.
  • The questions cannot be repeated and they have to be Yes-No questions.
  • The guesser gets to be the lead player in the next round.
road trip games at home

#3 The Movie Game

About: Name an actor, then name a movie that starred this actor and so on.


  • The game starts with the name of an actor or actress.
  • The next player names a movie that this actor or actress was in.
  • The following player has to state another actor/actress from that same movie.
  • It goes on until someone is incorrect or repeats a movie name. This player gets eliminated.
  • Example: Tom Hanks – You’ve got mail – Meg Ryan – so on.

#4 Word Association

About: Keep stringing along the words that you can.


  • One player begins with a random word.
  • The following player has to say the first word that he can think of associated with this word.
  • The game continues until somebody messes up, can’t continue or says something totally unrelated.

#5 Spin A Story

About: Try to detect whether the story told is true or not.


  • One player tells a story from their past.
  • The other players can ask up to 2 questions each about the story.
  • The players have to guess whether the story is the truth or he is spinning it.
  • Every correct guess is scored with 2 points. The first player to reach 10 points wins.

If these road trip games entertained you during this quarantine, don’t forget to send me a compliment by leaving a comment below.

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