Habit Series: Training For Long Distance Cycling

Starting in January 2020, I have decided to take up one habit every month and master it. The way to do it may be different every time but the goal is to try mastering the habit. If I enjoy it, it becomes a part of my daily routine. If I don’t, at least I explored it deeply enough. So, the habit I focused on in January is “Long Distance Cycling”. Before I get to my approach and results, here are the reasons to pick this:

Why Long-Distance Cycling

If you have been following my blogs, you might already know that Running is my first love when it comes to working out. Running marathons takes a lot of preparation and the same can get boring sometimes. Including cross fitness workouts is always a good idea. Cycling was a natural pick because I am inclined towards intense cardio already.

Having got hold of a powerful hybrid cycle recently, it was time that I raised my cycling game. I heard recently that only 0.5% of the earth’s population has completed a full marathon. Now that I have climbed that mountain, it is time to eye a Triathlon. I already run and swim fairly well. Cycling is the missing aspect of my triathlon dream. Hence, the Long distance cycling challenge.

solo long ride

Building the habit of Long Distance Cycling


I picked a 21-day challenge. The target being 50km of cycling. I was to increment the distances slowly every day until I get to the target of 50kms. On weekdays, I observed that I have to cycle either before 8 am or after 8 pm, keeping Bangalore traffic in mind. On weekends, I went all out with longer distances of 30km and above.


Being a rookie at cycling, I was watching videos and tutorials on cycling basics throughout the challenge. It helped me figure out simple things like what to carry, when to change gears, the importance of joining a group and so on.

Riding gear:

I started cycling regularly about 6 months ago. But it was mostly on rented cycles or borrowed from friends. After getting my own hybrid cycle by the end of last year, it was time for me to get serious on it. I added following things to my cycling gear – a helmet, a pair of gloves, a tracking app on mobile, night lights, water bottle holder, shoes(using my trekking ones), air pump(portable and larger one), puncture kit(yet to buy).


A few of my friends from the running group are into cycling as well. So, it was convenient to join them rather than find another group for this. They helped me discover a few new routes and joined me on longer rides. It made me feel safer and more confident.

whitefield runners club out for cycling


Not much change from what I already do for running. Drinking water or electrolytes in sips instead of gulps. Never starting on an empty stomach. Carrying something small to eat or planning small pitstops where I can eat at a stall, etc.


Being a runner, I was already familiar with a couple of short routes of 10 to 20 km in my neighborhood, Whitefield. Cycling helped me discover a couple of longer routes of 40 to 50 km distances.

cycling route
long routes for cycling towards hosakote


During this challenge, I took a break from running and other workouts. But I did start doing some cycling-specific workouts to activate and support the right muscles and areas in the body. In fact, it is a set of 5 workouts which I repeat 4 times in a duration of 40 min. I found this set by following the Global Cycling Network Youtube channel.

Results and lessons

cycling challenge
21 days status

Weight loss:

Though I have been running much intense than the amount of cycling I did, the workout change triggered some weight loss in me. 2 kg in a month, to be exact. In all fairness, I also started carrying home-cooked meals for lunch in the office. That might have had an impact on my body as well. Having lost the weight (unintentional), I then increased some carbs shortly. I feel I am in good shape right now. Hopefully, I won’t lose any more weight. I would like to maintain it.

Road Sense:

Getting used to the traffic in Bangalore is difficult even with motored vehicles to drive. Expecting to get any respect while on cycle, is unrealistic. It is completely the responsibility of the ride on the cycle to ensure her own safety. This was a challenge for me as well, initially. But by the end of the challenge, I have adapted to the surroundings and set my expectations accordingly.

Effort applied:

In comparison to running, cycling took me around 1/4th of the effort. I was told that cycling will feel like half the effort of running. But, not really. Probably because my hybrid cycle is highly capable of making the ride easy. I don’t feel like I have done a workout on my cycle unless I ride at least 30 to 40 km. Even after riding 50 km, I was pretty normal. I did not feel much fatigue. It felt like a 10 or 15 km run.


I missed 3 days out of the 21 days challenge. In my defense, I went for 2 hours of classical dance class on those days. And I was out on a trek for another 2 days. So technically, I did other workouts on those days. That prevented me from cycling on those days. But with a little better planning, next time I hope I can work around such obstacles.

Love for cycling:

I feel like a little child when I am cycling. I get into a zone, like a trance. I can keep pedaling if I didn’t have to stop for nutrition. I certainly enjoy cycling. It puts a smile on my face. There is no doubt in my mind that cycling is going to be part of my lifestyle for the long run. No, for the long ride.

Please leave a comment if my experience has inspired you in any small way. Share your experience with building any new habit as well. I will keep bringing a blog on habit building every month. Hope you stay with me on my journey.

2 thoughts on “Habit Series: Training For Long Distance Cycling

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