7 Reasons For You To Try Minimalism
Minimalism is a way of living where you buy and use only what is needed in your life. You eliminate unnecessary waste of things, time and money. I have started employing this way of living since the beginning of this year 2019. Here are some reasons why you should try it too:
Save money with minimalism
End of last year, I decided to stop buying clothes for a year. I already have enough. Not buying is helping me cut down what I already have effectively. Eventually, I would like to bring it to under 30 pieces of clothing. Now that is certainly saving me money. This is just an example. There are several things you could save on.

Get organised
Owning fewer things means you have fewer things to take care of. And makes it easier to stay organised. The reverse is not true though. Being organised does not mean that you live minimally.

Recover well
In a rat race for growth in career, assets and milestones, we forget to rest. On top of our ambitions, we are drowning in distractions. Watching tv or streaming videos is not resting. Recovery is a weapon and it has to be respected. Minimalism cuts down distractions in life and helps in recovery.

Reduce waste
Look around your house. There are duplicates of everything. There is excess to most of the things you own. A conscious elimination of excess, in turn, reduces waste. It brings an awareness that less is more.

Eat better
In an effort to get better value out of the available ingredients at home, minimalists tend to pursue meal prep. Better meal prep leads to a better diet. You eat out less, you waste less. This, in turn, supports your health.

Cultivate better habits
You learn to create space. Create space between you and bad habits. You cultivate better habits by minimising distractions and taking control over your time. You not only make time to take care of your health and home but also travel better.

Focus better on essentials
In the race to get things done, it is easy to forget priority. Are you even doing things that will help you get to your dreams? Minimalism brings back your focus on the most essential things, goals and people in your life.

So, this is just a starter guideline on reasons why you shouldn’t ignore minimalism. Comment below to express your interpretation of minimal lifestyle.