Ways To Change Up Your Exercise Intensity

Let’s talk about Exercise intensity today. It shows the difference between a beginner and a pro. It also dictates the results that you want to see from your workouts. Half ass efforts will always lead to half-ass results. In a world where every day is a rat race, it is important to work with exercise intensity to get the desired results in a short time.

Here are a few methods you can use to vary the exercise intensity:

Fixed Repetitions:

The traditional way of working out is 3 sets of 10 repetitions of each workout. Here one repetition means that you have completed one workout in proper form. It is important to maintain the right form throughout the reps. Going too fast with improper breathing or improper form can lead to injuries. And of course, not be effective. It is better to do fewer reps with good form, than power through to more reps in bad form.

exercise intensity good form

Time-Bound Repetitions:

The latest lingo for Time-Bound Workout is AMRAP. AMRAP stands for As Many Reps As Possible. This AMRAP could be for a duration of 3 mins to 10 mins even. It purely depends on your fitness level and agility. This is a good way to test the improvement in stamina. Sometimes we may not realize that our stamina has increased if we stick to fixed repetitions. In terms of running, I can relate it to time-bound runs. If I always fix my runs to 5kms I will never know how much more can I do or how much faster can I be. Time pressure helps increase intensity in workouts and pace in runs.

Training To Failure

The Minimalist documentary famed director, Matt D’avella recommends to workout on different muscle groups till failure. Fixing the number of repetitions or fixing the time duration, can both limit you. If you want to test your body while doing each workout, then training to failure is a technique to try. But tread on it carefully. It takes some experience to understand the signs of your body. You want to strain the muscle a bit but not injure it.

exercise intensity train to failure

Scaled Up Versions

Every day is different and sometimes even a pro needs to take it easy with the workout routine. A long gap in the workout can make your muscles vulnerable to injuries if pushed too much. The opposite is also true. It is possible that you are taking it too easy on your workouts and not able to see results due to a plateau. One way to changing up the exercise intensity is to scale up or scale down the form of the same workout. For example, if you feel confident with your knee down push-ups, it is time to try out the proper push-up version with a knee up.

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2 thoughts on “Ways To Change Up Your Exercise Intensity

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